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Tag: Matthew

The Darkness at Calvary

Was the three hours of darkness during Jesus’ crucifixion natural or supernatural?

The Darkness at Calvary

Was the three hours of darkness during Jesus’ crucifixion natural or supernatural?

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During the Lord’s crucifixion an eerie and unusual darkness came upon the land for three hours. While the synoptic gospels all testify to this event, they do not tell us how God accomplished this. Was this darkness a result of natural astronomical phenomena or was it a completely supernatural event?
The Triumphal Entry and Zechariah 9

Is Christ's Triumphal Entry mentioned in the Old Testament?

The Triumphal Entry and Zechariah 9

Is Christ's Triumphal Entry mentioned in the Old Testament?

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The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is recorded by all four gospels (Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12). This event is remembered yearly by Christians as beginning the final days of Christ’s ministry before his crucifixion. There are two notable Old Testament references recorded by the gospel
The Gospel No One Knows.

Our faith is left of three–––mystery, humility, majesty.

The Gospel No One Knows.

Our faith is left of three–––mystery, humility, majesty.

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At the crux of Christian faith is mystery—the God-man, the incarnation, the Word in flesh, clothed in sin yet was not. It is a mystery that surpasses all understanding yet brings peace. (Philippians 4:6) It sets a boundary line for knowledge yet pours out wisdom. (Job 11:7) It buries empathy
Did Satan Really Say? Part 2

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the need for humility.

Did Satan Really Say? Part 2

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the need for humility.

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I do not doubt that the upsurge of empirical certainty in the West has had some effect in misunderstanding the depth of presumption in how we believe, where naturalism reigns supreme and, so, empirical facts are the only true facts – a deception in its own right – where Christian
Did Satan Really Say?

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the danger of presumption.

Did Satan Really Say?

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the danger of presumption.

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It is an easy thing nowadays to take for granted just how dangerously complex a lie truly is. Whether it is subtle or subliminal, or as plain as the high noon sun, a lie is never quite so simple. It is conventional to reduce a lie to mere logical contradiction,
Freedom Fighters

Have Evangelicals forgotten what freedom truly means?

Freedom Fighters

Have Evangelicals forgotten what freedom truly means?

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Freedom cannot be measured. Equality cannot be weighed. Justice cannot be found wanting. Such priceless virtues of a Christian conscience are, indeed, pillars of democracy, political expressions shadowing a spiritual reality, a reflection of God’s impartiality toward all people (Matthew 5:43-48). While I maintain the necessity of these virtues for
God of the Living

Jesus defends the resurrection with Exodus 3:6 to unbelieving Sadducees.

God of the Living

Jesus defends the resurrection with Exodus 3:6 to unbelieving Sadducees.

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At the turn of history when Jesus Christ walked this earth there were four different Jewish sects: The Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, and the Zealots.  Of these, the Pharisees and Sadducees were the ones who regularly opposed the teachings of Jesus. As a matter of fact, just after the
Who is Beelzebul?

The name Beelzebul is not found anywhere else in the Bible. Where did it come from in the Gospel accounts?

Who is Beelzebul?

The name Beelzebul is not found anywhere else in the Bible. Where did it come from in the Gospel accounts?

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In an incident recorded three different times in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15), Jesus is accused of casting out demons by Beelzebul. In all accounts, Beelzebul is said by the accusers of Jesus to be the “prince of the demons”, and even to be in possession

What was the role and purpose of synagogues during the Second Temple Period?


What was the role and purpose of synagogues during the Second Temple Period?

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All around the world synagogues are an integral part of Judaism. From the Greek meaning “place of assembly”, the synagogue today is referred to as a house of prayer (bet ha-tefilla), house of assembly (bet ha-kneset), house of study (bet ha-midrash), and in some cases even temple[1]. While this institution’s