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Tag: Luke

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

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The Bible is very consistent in its portrayal of ancient Israelite mourning. People grieving the loss of loved ones, tragedy in the community, offenses against God, devastating warfare, and the like are described as putting on sackcloth, tearing or rending their clothes, taking off shoes, sitting on dust and ashes,
Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

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It is a commonly known truth in ancient Near Eastern studies that salt was an important staple of everyday life. Salt enhances the flavour of food increasing the enjoyment of the meal, and it had many other practical uses. Salt enabled the preservation of fish and other meats as well
‘Twas the Night Before Council

And other legendarium of Saint Nicholas and the Christmas season.

‘Twas the Night Before Council

And other legendarium of Saint Nicholas and the Christmas season.

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It was a cold winter’s night in Nicaea when a sudden blizzard enclosed the known world. Unprecedented as it was, bishops trudged across Christendom by hoof and foot to assemble in what was to be the first real effort to obtain a sacred consensus—the First Ecumenical Council. More than three
Reflections on the Necessity of Baptism

Thoughts on its necessity, symbolism, and the consequences for rejecting it.

Reflections on the Necessity of Baptism

Thoughts on its necessity, symbolism, and the consequences for rejecting it.

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Is water baptism necessary for salvation? Honestly, I’ve come to loathe this question. It’s too philosophical for everyone’s own good, and it causes nothing but confusion. What do we mean by necessary? For starters, everyone agrees that God is not bound by the water used in baptism to save someone.
Jonah is Just Hilarious!

No, Jonah is not a satirical fable about a false prophet. Why the Bible Project is dead wrong about the book and person of Jonah.

Jonah is Just Hilarious!

No, Jonah is not a satirical fable about a false prophet. Why the Bible Project is dead wrong about the book and person of Jonah.

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Surfing the web and scouting theological prospects is a dangerous game. None quite so dangerous as the one I stumbled upon just yesterday. The Bible Project is a famous Christian media group with over 3 million subscribers that produce very well-crafted animations about the Bible. From what I can tell,