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Artifacts, relics, and evidence discovered in modern archaeological excavations that support, prove or point to the Bible.

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

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The Bible is very consistent in its portrayal of ancient Israelite mourning. People grieving the loss of loved ones, tragedy in the community, offenses against God, devastating warfare, and the like are described as putting on sackcloth, tearing or rending their clothes, taking off shoes,
Stone Vessels & Jewish Purity

Ancient customs of ritual purity in Second Temple Judaism.

Stone Vessels & Jewish Purity

Ancient customs of ritual purity in Second Temple Judaism.

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First century Judaism had as a uniting symbol the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple centralized the giving of sacrifices, and the various annual celebratory festivals of Israel. Though the Temple and festivals were important, there was much more to ancient Judaism than this unifying