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Tag: Matthew

God’s Children Are Not For Sale.

Film review on 'Sound of Freedom' and the sociopolitical sexualization of our children.

God’s Children Are Not For Sale.

Film review on 'Sound of Freedom' and the sociopolitical sexualization of our children.

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It was dead silent. Not a stir, nor a whisper. “Do you hear that?” said Vampiro. “That’s the sound of freedom.” I won’t give away what that sound was. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly encourage you to do so, and to support it here. Buy a ticket for
Satanic Nationalism and the Pitchfork in the Road

Progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, Wokeness, New Agism, Satanism, and our holy vocation toward a Christian nation.

Satanic Nationalism and the Pitchfork in the Road

Progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, Wokeness, New Agism, Satanism, and our holy vocation toward a Christian nation.

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I am sick to my stomach. The sudden unholy rise of Satanism, witchcraft, séances, psychic fairs, occult symbolism, and demonic rituals out of the depths of secular pop-culture is nothing short of disturbing. I’m sure you’ve seen it: Viral videos of SatanCon in Boston, the largest gathering of this atheistic
A Working Faith

Is faith a "good work" or a meritorious act of the will? Reforming the Calvinist definition of faith.

A Working Faith

Is faith a "good work" or a meritorious act of the will? Reforming the Calvinist definition of faith.

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One of the defining features of Calvinism and the Reformed tradition is the doctrine that regeneration (new birth) precedes faith in Christ. Regeneration precedes faith because every person is totally depraved and spiritually dead in sin, completely incapable of responding and doing any good work whatsoever, such as repenting or having
Jonah is Just Hilarious!

No, Jonah is not a satirical fable about a false prophet. Why the Bible Project is dead wrong about the book and person of Jonah.

Jonah is Just Hilarious!

No, Jonah is not a satirical fable about a false prophet. Why the Bible Project is dead wrong about the book and person of Jonah.

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Surfing the web and scouting theological prospects is a dangerous game. None quite so dangerous as the one I stumbled upon just yesterday. The Bible Project is a famous Christian media group with over 3 million subscribers that produce very well-crafted animations about the Bible. From what I can tell,
On the Constitution of Man

What is the difference between the soul, spirit, heart, and mind?

On the Constitution of Man

What is the difference between the soul, spirit, heart, and mind?

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Perhaps one of the most enigmatic questions of Christian history: What is the difference between the soul, spirit, heart, and mind? Together it strikes right at the core of the gospel message and great commission, the Shema Yisrael (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) and the greatest commandments given by Christ (Mark 12:29-34; Matthew
In the Fullness of Time

Two prophecies that limit the window of time for the Messiah's arrival.

In the Fullness of Time

Two prophecies that limit the window of time for the Messiah's arrival.

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It is well known that the Bible is a book full of prophecy. As a matter of fact, scholars have noted that approximately one third of the entire Bible is prophecy. And hundreds of these prophecies relate to Israel’s promised Messiah. While most of these give specific details about the