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Tag: Isaiah

Zion’s Desolate Daughter

Who is the “daughter of Zion” and how will she be left desolate?

Zion’s Desolate Daughter

Who is the “daughter of Zion” and how will she be left desolate?

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In Isaiah’s opening vision God rebukes His people for their unfaithfulness to Him and their thirst for unrighteousness. And should they continue in this rebellion God shows Isaiah what their future holds: “Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire; strangers devour your land in your presence; and it is desolate, as overthrown by
Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

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Must Christians observe Sabbath? To no one’s surprise is yet another very heated debate in the greater Christian community, particularly among Protestants and doctrinally dubious off-shoots. Throughout Christian history, Sunday was the newly appointed day of rest known as “the Lord’s Day”. As of the nineteenth century however, the technological
Making Mudbricks

How did ancient man build structures?

Making Mudbricks

How did ancient man build structures?

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Mankind has always looked to the world around him to survive. Building materials are no different. Caves, rocks, trees and mud have all been used as natural and convenient resources to build shelter for basic living (homes), protection (walls/gates/towers), and awe-inspiring feats of architecture (temples/statues/palaces/public buildings). The most accessible building
An Israelite House

The religious architecture of an ancient Israelite house.

An Israelite House

The religious architecture of an ancient Israelite house.

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In the field of Biblical archaeology there is an interesting peculiarity that helps define the cities and lands where Israelites lived: a type of house. From the 12th to the 6th centuries BC, called the Iron Age, there was a common floorplan used in most homes throughout the land. Biblically
The Train of His Robe

How garments played an important role in the ancient world.

The Train of His Robe

How garments played an important role in the ancient world.

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“In the year that King Uzziah died,” declares the prophet Isaiah, “I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple” (Isaiah 6:1). In the ancient cultures, garments played an important role which is why Isaiah’s observation concerning the