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Tag: 2 Samuel

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

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The Bible is very consistent in its portrayal of ancient Israelite mourning. People grieving the loss of loved ones, tragedy in the community, offenses against God, devastating warfare, and the like are described as putting on sackcloth, tearing or rending their clothes, taking off shoes, sitting on dust and ashes,
Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

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It is a commonly known truth in ancient Near Eastern studies that salt was an important staple of everyday life. Salt enhances the flavour of food increasing the enjoyment of the meal, and it had many other practical uses. Salt enabled the preservation of fish and other meats as well
Making Mudbricks

How did ancient man build structures?

Making Mudbricks

How did ancient man build structures?

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Mankind has always looked to the world around him to survive. Building materials are no different. Caves, rocks, trees and mud have all been used as natural and convenient resources to build shelter for basic living (homes), protection (walls/gates/towers), and awe-inspiring feats of architecture (temples/statues/palaces/public buildings). The most accessible building
An Israelite House

The religious architecture of an ancient Israelite house.

An Israelite House

The religious architecture of an ancient Israelite house.

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In the field of Biblical archaeology there is an interesting peculiarity that helps define the cities and lands where Israelites lived: a type of house. From the 12th to the 6th centuries BC, called the Iron Age, there was a common floorplan used in most homes throughout the land. Biblically