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Tag: Revelation

Gems and Precious Stones

On the gems, minerals, and precious stones mentioned in the Bible.

Gems and Precious Stones

On the gems, minerals, and precious stones mentioned in the Bible.

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From the book of Genesis all the way to Revelation, the Bible makes many mentions of beautiful and valuable rocks. For example, in Genesis 2:12 we read about onyx stones. And, in Exodus 39 (see also chapter 28), the high priest was decorated with several precious and semiprecious stones, including
Temple as Eden

How the Temple was designed to look like the Garden of Eden.

Temple as Eden

How the Temple was designed to look like the Garden of Eden.

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As meeting places for God and men, ancient temples were created to reflect the ideal environment for such an event: the Garden of Eden, also called the “Garden of Plenty” or “Paradise” in surrounding cultures. The Jerusalem Temple, built by Solomon was no exception. The Bible gives a detailed description
The Subtler Sevens of Revelation

The seven-fold structure of the apocalypse

The Subtler Sevens of Revelation

The seven-fold structure of the apocalypse

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That Revelation is a book of “sevens” is exceedingly obvious, even for the casual reader. Some of the more perspicuous occurrences include the seven lampstands, seven spirits, seven stars, seven churches, seven lamps, the seven-sealed scroll, seven trumpets, seven bowls of wrath, seven promises to the overcomer, seven horns, seven
The Branch

Why is the Messiah referred to as a “branch”?

The Branch

Why is the Messiah referred to as a “branch”?

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On at least five different occasions, three different Old Testament prophets refer to the coming Redeemer as a Branch (Isaiah 4:2, 11:1; Jeremiah 33:15, Zechariah 3:8, 6:12). While this imagery holds much meaning for Jews and Middle Easterners, for modern Western readers its full impact and significance is sometimes “lost
Hidden Meaning of Dust and Ashes

A typological relationship between humility and eschatology.

Hidden Meaning of Dust and Ashes

A typological relationship between humility and eschatology.

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In my studies this week, I came across, what I think, is a fascinating typological parallel. To “repent in dust and ashes” is now an iconic Biblical symbol and saying. Spoken of by the prophets like Abraham, Job, and Ezekiel, we see them repent or liken themselves to nothing more
The Seven Spirits

What or who are the “seven Spirits” before God’s throne in Revelation?

The Seven Spirits

What or who are the “seven Spirits” before God’s throne in Revelation?

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John the revelator, in his opening remarks, greets the seven churches of Asia in the name of “Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead,
Seven Letters to Seven Churches

Provincial. Public. Personal. Prophetic.

Seven Letters to Seven Churches

Provincial. Public. Personal. Prophetic.

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Although most if not all number the New Testament epistles at twenty-one, it could be said that there are seven more epistles because Revelation 2-3 contain seven letters from Jesus Christ Himself to seven churches in Asia—the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. What’s so fascinating