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Tag: Job

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

Mourning Rituals

The ancient practice of bemoaning the human condition before God.

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The Bible is very consistent in its portrayal of ancient Israelite mourning. People grieving the loss of loved ones, tragedy in the community, offenses against God, devastating warfare, and the like are described as putting on sackcloth, tearing or rending their clothes, taking off shoes, sitting on dust and ashes,
Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

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It is a commonly known truth in ancient Near Eastern studies that salt was an important staple of everyday life. Salt enhances the flavour of food increasing the enjoyment of the meal, and it had many other practical uses. Salt enabled the preservation of fish and other meats as well
Gems and Precious Stones

On the gems, minerals, and precious stones mentioned in the Bible.

Gems and Precious Stones

On the gems, minerals, and precious stones mentioned in the Bible.

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From the book of Genesis all the way to Revelation, the Bible makes many mentions of beautiful and valuable rocks. For example, in Genesis 2:12 we read about onyx stones. And, in Exodus 39 (see also chapter 28), the high priest was decorated with several precious and semiprecious stones, including
On the Necessity of Natural Theology

What is the purpose of it and how does general revelation affect the gospel?

On the Necessity of Natural Theology

What is the purpose of it and how does general revelation affect the gospel?

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General revelation often refers to the famous opening verses of Paul’s letter to the Romans: “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since
The Bible: The World’s Greatest Book of Fiction?

Ryan Hembree interviews physician, researcher, and scientist Dr. Carl Werner.

The Bible: The World’s Greatest Book of Fiction?

Ryan Hembree interviews physician, researcher, and scientist Dr. Carl Werner.

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While many consider the Bible to be the world’s greatest book, others confidently proclaim it to be the world’s greatest book of fiction. I find, often times, that these allegations are made by atheists who think that Evolution has disproven God and the Bible. That’s why when I was given
Dragons & Dinosaurs

Ryan Hembree interviews fossil hunter and palaeontology researcher Vance Nelson

Dragons & Dinosaurs

Ryan Hembree interviews fossil hunter and palaeontology researcher Vance Nelson

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Some of the most frequently asked questions related to the Bible have to do with dinosaurs and dragons. Regarding dinosaurs, people often ask where they “fit” into Scripture. After all, the word dinosaur isn’t found at all in the Bible! On the other hand, the King James Version of the
Who Is the Satan?

On Michael S. Heiser's dogmatic interpretation of "the satan" and why he is almost certainly wrong.

Who Is the Satan?

On Michael S. Heiser's dogmatic interpretation of "the satan" and why he is almost certainly wrong.

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Christian theologian and Old Testament scholar Michael S. Heiser is brilliant and refreshing. His work on expounding and popularizing rabbinical scholar Alan F. Segal’s “Two Powers of Heaven” has done a great deal of good for the Kingdom. He demonstrates how ancient orthodox Judaism held to, what he calls, a
Dairy Delicacies

How dairy products were manufactured in the ancient Near East.

Dairy Delicacies

How dairy products were manufactured in the ancient Near East.

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The Hebrew word חֶמְאָה (ḥem’â) occurs no less than ten times in nine different verses throughout the Old Testament canon (Gen. 18:8; Deut. 32:14; Judges 5:25; 2 Samuel 17:29; Job 20:17, 29:6; Prov. 30:33; Isaiah 7:15, 22).[1] The King James Version of the Bible always translates this word as “butter”
Did Satan Really Say? Part 2

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the need for humility.

Did Satan Really Say? Part 2

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the need for humility.

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I do not doubt that the upsurge of empirical certainty in the West has had some effect in misunderstanding the depth of presumption in how we believe, where naturalism reigns supreme and, so, empirical facts are the only true facts – a deception in its own right – where Christian