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Tag: Genesis 1-11

Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

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Due to the evolutionary propaganda constantly being pushed by pop science, public education, mainstream media, museums, and the like, many people have been conditioned into believing numerous scientific “facts” which have later proved to be totally false. For example, it has become a cultural stereotype to picture Neanderthals (or Neandertals)
Neanderthal Man’s Man Cave

How Neanderthal man’s cultural inventory overturns evolutionary and cultural stereotypes that he was sub-human.

Neanderthal Man’s Man Cave

How Neanderthal man’s cultural inventory overturns evolutionary and cultural stereotypes that he was sub-human.

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Since their discovery in the 1850s, Neanderthals had, up until recently, been regarded by the majority of evolutionists as more of an animal rather than a human being. One of the main reasons for this was due to their seemingly sparse cultural inventory. However, claiming that Neanderthals or any such
On Doves

What is the historical, cultural, and Scriptural significance of the humble dove?

On Doves

What is the historical, cultural, and Scriptural significance of the humble dove?

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The text of the Bible along with the ancient physical remains of the people of Israel and Judah, tell of an interesting relationship with doves and pigeons. The symbolism of the dove has been passed down to us today mainly through Christianity as representing the sacred, specifically the Holy Spirit.
Family Portrait

Genetics substantiates the Biblical claim that Adam and Eve were real people from which the whole human race originates.

Family Portrait

Genetics substantiates the Biblical claim that Adam and Eve were real people from which the whole human race originates.

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Right from the very beginning, the Bible makes highly significant claims that are often mocked in today’s world, especially where evolution is considered the only truth. Contrary to evolutionary ideas that once claimed we all descended from multiple kinds of humans, the Bible teaches that the entire human race descended
Nephesh Chayyah

What is the standard of life according to the Bible?

Nephesh Chayyah

What is the standard of life according to the Bible?

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It’s alive! Or is it? Actually, much of what is considered biologically alive today is not necessarily considered alive Biblically. Throughout the Old Testament, the Hebrew term nephesh chayyah (נפש חיה), meaning “living creature” or “living soul”, is used only to describe animals and humans – not plants, not microorganisms
The Location of the Garden of Eden

Where do historical researchers say the Garden of Eden is located?

The Location of the Garden of Eden

Where do historical researchers say the Garden of Eden is located?

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The Garden of Eden is the first location mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 2), and is the backdrop for one of the most iconic histories of the Bible: The lives of Adam and Eve and their fall from grace. Whether or not you believe this to be true history or