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Articles by: Ryan Hembree

Wisdom’s Wine

What is the meaning of the “mixed” or “mingled” wine in Proverbs 9?

Wisdom’s Wine

What is the meaning of the “mixed” or “mingled” wine in Proverbs 9?

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In Proverbs 9, we find Lady Wisdom preparing a banquet for those who are “simple” and “have no sense.” (v.4 NIV) In her preparations she has slaughtered her meat, mixed her wine, and furnished her table. (v.2) Certainly, this proverb pictures a very special occasion.
Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

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Due to the evolutionary propaganda constantly being pushed by pop science, public education, mainstream media, museums, and the like, many people have been conditioned into believing numerous scientific “facts” which have later proved to be totally false. For example, it has become a cultural stereotype