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From personal reflections to Christian philosophy –– a wide range of thought-provoking ideas and theories to politics, social issues, current events, arts, culture, adiaphora, and more.

The Sound of Silence and the Otherness of Scripture

A brief observation on Biblical interpretation and typology in Hebrews 6:13–7:28.

The Sound of Silence and the Otherness of Scripture

A brief observation on Biblical interpretation and typology in Hebrews 6:13–7:28.

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When you read the Bible, how often do you try to look at the way the apostles saw the world and use that way of seeing for how you should interpret the Bible? Typology is often scoffed at in contemporary theology and readily undercut by
Reflections on the Necessity of Baptism

Thoughts on its necessity, symbolism, and the consequences for rejecting it.

Reflections on the Necessity of Baptism

Thoughts on its necessity, symbolism, and the consequences for rejecting it.

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Is water baptism necessary for salvation? Honestly, I’ve come to loathe this question. It’s too philosophical for everyone’s own good, and it causes nothing but confusion. What do we mean by necessary? For starters, everyone agrees that God is not bound by the water used
God’s Children Are Not For Sale.

Film review on 'Sound of Freedom' and the sociopolitical sexualization of our children.

God’s Children Are Not For Sale.

Film review on 'Sound of Freedom' and the sociopolitical sexualization of our children.

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It was dead silent. Not a stir, nor a whisper. “Do you hear that?” said Vampiro. “That’s the sound of freedom.” I won’t give away what that sound was. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly encourage you to do so, and to support it
A Working Faith

Is faith a "good work" or a meritorious act of the will? Reforming the Calvinist definition of faith.

A Working Faith

Is faith a "good work" or a meritorious act of the will? Reforming the Calvinist definition of faith.

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One of the defining features of Calvinism and the Reformed tradition is the doctrine that regeneration (new birth) precedes faith in Christ. Regeneration precedes faith because every person is totally depraved and spiritually dead in sin, completely incapable of responding and doing any good work whatsoever,
The Invisible Kingdom and the One True Church

Are "other" Christians condemned outside the one true Church? Examining Christ's prophetic parables of faithful and nominal believers in Matthew 25.

The Invisible Kingdom and the One True Church

Are "other" Christians condemned outside the one true Church? Examining Christ's prophetic parables of faithful and nominal believers in Matthew 25.

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The kingdom of heaven is fragmented here on earth. To call the body of Christ broken or divided is a very controversial statement. Many regard it as blasphemous or schismatic and others see it as normative, inevitable, or even Biblical. In Catholicism and Orthodoxy, the Spirit
What Flesh and Blood Has Not Revealed

A starting point for unity among "other" Trinitarian Christians.

What Flesh and Blood Has Not Revealed

A starting point for unity among "other" Trinitarian Christians.

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As of late, that millennial tension of the one true Church, salvation within and condemnation without, has only tightened its grip among laity and ecclesiastical orders. Prior to the Great Schism of 1054, and long before the Protestant Reformation in 1517, the vast majority of schisms
Jonah is Just Hilarious!

No, Jonah is not a satirical fable about a false prophet. Why the Bible Project is dead wrong about the book and person of Jonah.

Jonah is Just Hilarious!

No, Jonah is not a satirical fable about a false prophet. Why the Bible Project is dead wrong about the book and person of Jonah.

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Surfing the web and scouting theological prospects is a dangerous game. None quite so dangerous as the one I stumbled upon just yesterday. The Bible Project is a famous Christian media group with over 3 million subscribers that produce very well-crafted animations about the Bible.
Who Is the Satan?

On Michael S. Heiser's dogmatic interpretation of "the satan" and why he is almost certainly wrong.

Who Is the Satan?

On Michael S. Heiser's dogmatic interpretation of "the satan" and why he is almost certainly wrong.

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Christian theologian and Old Testament scholar Michael S. Heiser is brilliant and refreshing. His work on expounding and popularizing rabbinical scholar Alan F. Segal’s “Two Powers of Heaven” has done a great deal of good for the Kingdom. He demonstrates how ancient orthodox Judaism held