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On doctrine and interpretation ––– understanding and harmonizing Scripture to form a coherent picture of the world and God. On the nature of God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, creation, sin, prophecy, angels, salvation and more.

Apostle John
The Dogmatics of John

How the Apostle John grounds the saving truths of the faith in the Trinity––Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

The Dogmatics of John

How the Apostle John grounds the saving truths of the faith in the Trinity––Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

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The central theme of John’s Gospel is to believe into the supernatural atoning work of Jesus Christ who is truly God incarnate, and in doing he masterfully unveils divine parallels between the Father and the Son, from whom created all things and through whom all
Of Water, Wind and Fire

Is water baptism just an outward sign of an inner reality? A brief reassessment of the Baptist conviction.

Of Water, Wind and Fire

Is water baptism just an outward sign of an inner reality? A brief reassessment of the Baptist conviction.

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Why was Apollos baptized twice? His first baptism was administered by John the Baptist in obedience and repentance to God, to believe in the Messiah who was to come. In the same way many Protestants, particularly Baptists, affirm this view but relay it now in
Shrouded in Mystery No More

On the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin and its implications for sacred images and iconoclastic theology.

Shrouded in Mystery No More

On the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin and its implications for sacred images and iconoclastic theology.

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The Shroud of Turin is real. I’m convinced of it. To think such is not a testimony of my faith either, nor is it intellectually grounded in any merit of my own. The scientific evidence is so staggering, and corresponds to history and Scripture so
Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

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Must Christians observe Sabbath? To no one’s surprise is yet another very heated debate in the greater Christian community, particularly among Protestants and doctrinally dubious off-shoots. Throughout Christian history, Sunday was the newly appointed day of rest known as “the Lord’s Day”. As of the
Against Formlessness and Our Vocation Toward Visible Holiness

On sacred art, rituals, gestures, and visual patterns of devotion in God's holy kingdom.

Against Formlessness and Our Vocation Toward Visible Holiness

On sacred art, rituals, gestures, and visual patterns of devotion in God's holy kingdom.

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Before meat suits were fashionable and Gnosticism was the new black, before Baptism was reduced to works righteousness and Communion was trivialized to a game of Simon Says, and long before our world was particles and plastic, the visible world augmented divine intentionality. The physical