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On doctrine and interpretation ––– understanding and harmonizing Scripture to form a coherent picture of the world and God. On the nature of God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, creation, sin, prophecy, angels, salvation and more.

The Good Works of Sola Scriptura

Is Scripture alone sufficient for salvation? Or is it a sixteenth century invention by Protestants?

The Good Works of Sola Scriptura

Is Scripture alone sufficient for salvation? Or is it a sixteenth century invention by Protestants?

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I am no defender of the Protestant tradition. I aim for the truth above all else, and if the truth is Protestant, then so be it. The five solae of the Reformation, for instance, at first glance seem to flagrantly reject, out of an adverse
Satanic Nationalism and the Pitchfork in the Road

Progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, Wokeness, New Agism, Satanism, and our holy vocation toward a Christian nation.

Satanic Nationalism and the Pitchfork in the Road

Progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, Wokeness, New Agism, Satanism, and our holy vocation toward a Christian nation.

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I am sick to my stomach. The sudden unholy rise of Satanism, witchcraft, séances, psychic fairs, occult symbolism, and demonic rituals out of the depths of secular pop-culture is nothing short of disturbing. I’m sure you’ve seen it: Viral videos of SatanCon in Boston, the
Anger Management

Is God “slow to anger” or is His “wrath quickly kindled”? Comparing Exodus 34:6 and Numbers 14:18 to Psalm 2:12.

Anger Management

Is God “slow to anger” or is His “wrath quickly kindled”? Comparing Exodus 34:6 and Numbers 14:18 to Psalm 2:12.

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Although the Bible consistently portrays God as “longsuffering” and “slow to anger” it seems that Psalm 2:12 brings this into serious question as it says that the wrath of God is “quickly kindled.” As the English Standard Version puts it, “Kiss the Son, lest he
Sacredness and the Day of Atonement

What do sacred people and sacred space have to do with our atonement?

Sacredness and the Day of Atonement

What do sacred people and sacred space have to do with our atonement?

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Reading about the Day of Atonement in the book of Leviticus brings up all sorts of questions for us in the twenty first century. The idea of sacred space, or holy space, is not a regular feature of today’s Christian worship, but it clearly was