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Tag: Psalms

Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

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Must Christians observe Sabbath? To no one’s surprise is yet another very heated debate in the greater Christian community, particularly among Protestants and doctrinally dubious off-shoots. Throughout Christian history, Sunday was the newly appointed day of rest known as “the Lord’s Day”. As of the nineteenth century however, the technological
Temple as Eden

How the Temple was designed to look like the Garden of Eden.

Temple as Eden

How the Temple was designed to look like the Garden of Eden.

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As meeting places for God and men, ancient temples were created to reflect the ideal environment for such an event: the Garden of Eden, also called the “Garden of Plenty” or “Paradise” in surrounding cultures. The Jerusalem Temple, built by Solomon was no exception. The Bible gives a detailed description
Anger Management

Is God “slow to anger” or is His “wrath quickly kindled”? Comparing Exodus 34:6 and Numbers 14:18 to Psalm 2:12.

Anger Management

Is God “slow to anger” or is His “wrath quickly kindled”? Comparing Exodus 34:6 and Numbers 14:18 to Psalm 2:12.

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Although the Bible consistently portrays God as “longsuffering” and “slow to anger” it seems that Psalm 2:12 brings this into serious question as it says that the wrath of God is “quickly kindled.” As the English Standard Version puts it, “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish
On the Necessity of Natural Theology

What is the purpose of it and how does general revelation affect the gospel?

On the Necessity of Natural Theology

What is the purpose of it and how does general revelation affect the gospel?

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General revelation often refers to the famous opening verses of Paul’s letter to the Romans: “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since
Sabbath Rest

What exactly is the Lord’s rest spoken of in Hebrews 3-4?

Sabbath Rest

What exactly is the Lord’s rest spoken of in Hebrews 3-4?

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In Hebrews 3-4 the writer’s overarching theme is entering the Lord’s rest, which he makes mention of several times. But just what exactly is the theological definition of the Lord’s rest according to Hebrews? The unidentified author builds his theology using other key scriptures. As a matter of fact, we
Flying Saucers & Spaghetti Monsters

A quick crackdown on New Atheism, Scientism, Naturalism, and the usual suspects.

Flying Saucers & Spaghetti Monsters

A quick crackdown on New Atheism, Scientism, Naturalism, and the usual suspects.

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Over recent decades, New Atheism evolved from a small elite group of militant anti-theists known as the Four Horsemen of Atheism – Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins – into a broad sweeping social attitude, a spirit even, characterized by its “reasonable” rebellion against religion, its claim to