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Tag: Numbers

Ancient Music

A quick history of music from Scripture, archaeology and ancient literature

Ancient Music

A quick history of music from Scripture, archaeology and ancient literature

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The Bible, like the ancient cultures that it represents, is full of music! As far back as historians can see, music has been a part of human life: From the rock gongs (lithophones) of pre-history to the intricate bull lyres of Ur, mankind is musical. The Bible’s first mention of
The Bronze Serpent Effect, Part II

Did the bronze serpent influence cults and mythology?

The Bronze Serpent Effect, Part II

Did the bronze serpent influence cults and mythology?

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In the time of the priest and prophet Samuel, Israel went to war with her mortal enemy, the Philistines, and suffered a horrible defeat. The Israelites, bewildered, said, “Why has the Lord defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord from