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Tag: James

Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

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It is a commonly known truth in ancient Near Eastern studies that salt was an important staple of everyday life. Salt enhances the flavour of food increasing the enjoyment of the meal, and it had many other practical uses. Salt enabled the preservation of fish and other meats as well
The Good Works of Sola Scriptura

Is Scripture alone sufficient for salvation? Or is it a sixteenth century invention by Protestants?

The Good Works of Sola Scriptura

Is Scripture alone sufficient for salvation? Or is it a sixteenth century invention by Protestants?

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I am no defender of the Protestant tradition. I aim for the truth above all else, and if the truth is Protestant, then so be it. The five solae of the Reformation, for instance, at first glance seem to flagrantly reject, out of an adverse reaction to sixteenth century Catholic
A Working Faith

Is faith a "good work" or a meritorious act of the will? Reforming the Calvinist definition of faith.

A Working Faith

Is faith a "good work" or a meritorious act of the will? Reforming the Calvinist definition of faith.

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One of the defining features of Calvinism and the Reformed tradition is the doctrine that regeneration (new birth) precedes faith in Christ. Regeneration precedes faith because every person is totally depraved and spiritually dead in sin, completely incapable of responding and doing any good work whatsoever, such as repenting or having
Did Satan Really Say? Part 2

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the need for humility.

Did Satan Really Say? Part 2

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the need for humility.

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I do not doubt that the upsurge of empirical certainty in the West has had some effect in misunderstanding the depth of presumption in how we believe, where naturalism reigns supreme and, so, empirical facts are the only true facts – a deception in its own right – where Christian
Did Satan Really Say?

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the danger of presumption.

Did Satan Really Say?

Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the danger of presumption.

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It is an easy thing nowadays to take for granted just how dangerously complex a lie truly is. Whether it is subtle or subliminal, or as plain as the high noon sun, a lie is never quite so simple. It is conventional to reduce a lie to mere logical contradiction,