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Tag: Genesis

Sabbath Rest

What exactly is the Lord’s rest spoken of in Hebrews 3-4?

Sabbath Rest

What exactly is the Lord’s rest spoken of in Hebrews 3-4?

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In Hebrews 3-4 the writer’s overarching theme is entering the Lord’s rest, which he makes mention of several times. But just what exactly is the theological definition of the Lord’s rest according to Hebrews? The unidentified author builds his theology using other key scriptures. As a matter of fact, we
Hidden Meaning of Dust and Ashes

A typological relationship between humility and eschatology.

Hidden Meaning of Dust and Ashes

A typological relationship between humility and eschatology.

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In my studies this week, I came across, what I think, is a fascinating typological parallel. To “repent in dust and ashes” is now an iconic Biblical symbol and saying. Spoken of by the prophets like Abraham, Job, and Ezekiel, we see them repent or liken themselves to nothing more
The Origins War

On the Creation Evolution conflict in the Church and understanding Scripture in a Scientific Age.

The Origins War

On the Creation Evolution conflict in the Church and understanding Scripture in a Scientific Age.

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There are many points of contention, to put it gently, between Creationists and Evolutionists: How science should interpret or illuminate Scripture; Big Bang cosmology and the beginning of the material universe; age of the earth or length of days in creation; gradual formation of intended kinds or immediate kinds of
Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

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Due to the evolutionary propaganda constantly being pushed by pop science, public education, mainstream media, museums, and the like, many people have been conditioned into believing numerous scientific “facts” which have later proved to be totally false. For example, it has become a cultural stereotype to picture Neanderthals (or Neandertals)
Neanderthal Man’s Man Cave

How Neanderthal man’s cultural inventory overturns evolutionary and cultural stereotypes that he was sub-human.

Neanderthal Man’s Man Cave

How Neanderthal man’s cultural inventory overturns evolutionary and cultural stereotypes that he was sub-human.

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Since their discovery in the 1850s, Neanderthals had, up until recently, been regarded by the majority of evolutionists as more of an animal rather than a human being. One of the main reasons for this was due to their seemingly sparse cultural inventory. However, claiming that Neanderthals or any such
Ancient Music

A quick history of music from Scripture, archaeology and ancient literature

Ancient Music

A quick history of music from Scripture, archaeology and ancient literature

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The Bible, like the ancient cultures that it represents, is full of music! As far back as historians can see, music has been a part of human life: From the rock gongs (lithophones) of pre-history to the intricate bull lyres of Ur, mankind is musical. The Bible’s first mention of
On Sacrifices

A quick look at the early history of sacrifices in the first five books of the Bible.

On Sacrifices

A quick look at the early history of sacrifices in the first five books of the Bible.

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In the ancient Near East, religious sacrifices were extremely common. They were offered to various deities and consisted of valuable consumable resources like animals, grains, drink and oil, as well as culturally prized items like incense, clothing, jewelry, precious metals and stones. When thinking of the Bible, most readers will