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Tag: 1 Samuel

Ancient Board Games

What kind of games did people play in the ancient world?

Ancient Board Games

What kind of games did people play in the ancient world?

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Games and board games are sometimes seen as a modern luxury, but history shows that humans everywhere and in every-time have invented and played games. As far back into human history as modern man can see, there is evidence of gameplay. The earliest examples come from the Neolithic time period
Historical Tour of Mizpah

Exploring history, archaeology and Scripture about this Biblically significant location.

Historical Tour of Mizpah

Exploring history, archaeology and Scripture about this Biblically significant location.

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In Hebrew, the place name “Mizpah" means “watchtower”. With this meaning in mind, then, it’s not surprising that there were a few Biblical locations named this. First, Mizpah was used as another name for the pile of stones set up by Jacob and Laban in Genesis 31; this location seems