Even though the standard story of fossil formation taught worldwide in museums and textbooks says that fossils were formed by slow-and-gradual processes over millions of years, the science of taphonomy (that’s the study of how dead creatures decay over time) shows that fossils could not exist unless they were formed rapidly. Because without rapid burial the dead carcass would lay unprotected and exposed to predators and to decay long before it had the chance to fossilize.
Several of the fossils themselves provide an undeniable testimony to their extremely rapid and violent burial. As Dr. Jonathan Sarfati and Joel Tay report in their book Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air, “In some cases, creatures were buried so fast that they resemble sculptures frozen in time. In the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, a Velociraptor was preserved in a remarkable fighting pose with its claw imbedded in the neck of the Protoceratops…and the Protoceratops has likewise bitten and possibly broke the arm of the Velociraptor…The burial event occurred so quickly that these two dinosaurs were forever stuck in this fighting pose.”[1]
Another stunning example of a creature frozen in time was discovered in China in 2014. Paleontologists uncovered a remarkably preserved fossil of a female ichthyosaur. And these aquatic reptiles actually gave birth to live young underwater. And this particular ichthyosaur had to have been buried very quickly because she was in the midst of “giving birth to the second of triplets. This unfortunate mother ichthyosaur had one baby inside her body, another leaving her pelvis and a third nearby.”[2] Clearly, this creature was not buried slowly over eons of time but rather was buried very rapidly unable to even finish giving birth!
And believe me there are lots of other evidences I could show you but these examples are enough to get the point across that the facts of science all undeniably testify to a rapid watery burial. Even many secular scientists have had to concede that such fossils had to have been formed as a result of a flood. Of course, they don’t believe it was the global flood of Noah recorded in the Bible but attribute these fossils to local floods instead. But significantly, the scientific evidence also defies this local flood theory. For example, many the rock layers that these fossils are entombed in cover extremely large areas. As a matter of fact, “Sometimes they extend right across a continent and even correlate with other continents. This shows that the cause of these layers was also global. So this rules out local catastrophes as a plausible explanation for these widespread layers.”[3] In other words, all the evidence “is consistent with a global Flood that deposited very wide, rapidly formed layers, in rapid succession. [But] It is NOT consistent with slow-and-gradual processes over vast eons of time.”[4]
Thus, the rock layers along with the entombed fossils therein all testify to the truthfulness of the Biblical record which records that there was a world-ending global flood some 4,500 years ago!

Ryan Hembree is a daily co-host, speaker, and writer of Bible Discovery. He also hosts a YouTube channel that shows the unity of the Bible and how science and Scripture fit together. Ryan also has an honorary Masters of Ministry in Creation Science from Phoenix University of Theology.
[1] Dr. Jonathan Sarfati & Joel Tay, Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air, P.175.
[2] Dr. Jonathan Sarfati & Joel Tay, Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air, P.146.
[3] Dr. Jonathan Sarfati & Joel Tay, Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air, P.176.
[4] Dr. Jonathan Sarfati & Joel Tay, Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air, P.176.