Join Pastor Rod Hembree, Matt Bracewell and a special guest every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for Live Prayer @ 3:30pm EST. Chat live right here or connect with us on Facebook and YouTube to chat live as well. We believe that personal and community growth starts with the Bible. Our goal with Church365 is to come alongside you and your local church to help encourage and edify through the power of God’s Word. To help families, small groups, and churches immerse themselves in the Bible, every day of the year. Due to prolonged delays in international mailing and accelerated costs in shipping, our print version of the Bible Discovery Guide will no longer be available outside of Canada and the United States. For the foreseeable future, Bible Discovery will only offer the digital Guide for international partners. Over this past year we have seen more and more international partners join our ministry using the digital Bible Guide very successfully. We would like to focus our efforts in making this PDF easily available to partners around the globe, while still keeping it available for a donation of any amount. Our other resources such as DVDs, CDs, and other content can still be ordered on our Resource page and shipped internationally (unless specified). We are so encouraged as we see the LORD work in the lives of our partners each and every day, especially the international growth we have had online this past year from countries like South Africa, Nigeria, United Kingdom and more! Due to this change, we will also be removing our international post office box located in the UK as we can no longer accept international donations other than online. We are working on making our international ministry more sustainable, while still providing our materials across the globe. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: Phone: +1 519-940-8338 Ministry Updates
Global Prayer Team
International Partners, this is for you!
Email: hello@biblediscoverytv.comDIG DEEPER
Where Is Bethsaida?
All our resources are available because of your generous donations.