A man of unquenchable passion for reaching and teaching the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a fitting description for Pastor Don Fitchett. He truly was a man of GREAT faith and an exemplary teacher of the gospel.

We had the privilege of serving with Pastor Don in our Monday Prayer Meetings. He also consulted on many articles with our team and served with Pastor Rod and Janice for many years at Good Friends Fellowship. We often came away from meetings with him in awe of his wisdom of God’s Word and usually chuckling because of his exceptionally dry and quick wit.
He was an engaging preacher, a committed mentor and friend, and most of all, an unashamed ambassador for the gospel. In every area the heart of his ministry was his passion for God’s Word and his commitment to spreading the Good News of Jesus.
His impact on Bible Discovery has been profound. In fact, one of the reasons Pastor Rod and Janice moved to Orangeville was because of Pastor Don! They loved his preaching and wept many Sundays in his services as he brought out the truth of the Scriptures. They moved to be under his ministry and yet God had plans for them to minister alongside him after they began Good Friends Fellowship.
He will be greatly missed and yet we rejoice because there is no doubt where he is now. Pastor Don chose a life of living for Jesus and his reward is so great. Pastor Rod often sings “He Has Made Me Glad” and this is now wonderfully true for Pastor Don. He has entered the Father’s gates with thanksgiving.

Bible Discovery is a family-run international ministry that guides you through the entire Bible in one year. From the Daily TV Show and the Weekly Recap to the Guide and fresh new articles, our mission to provide high quality Biblical content from different perspectives that will help you experience a holistic approach to your Bible study.
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