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Three-minute videos and articles featured on The Daily Show to help you experience a deeper and holistic understanding in your Bible study.

The Unveiling

In 2 Corinthians 3, Paul makes 7 contrasts between the old and new covenant.

The Unveiling

In 2 Corinthians 3, Paul makes 7 contrasts between the old and new covenant.

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In the third chapter of Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth, he makes several important contrasts between God’s Old Covenant given through Moses and His new and superior covenant in Jesus Christ. 1. Physically Engraved vs. Spiritually Engraved He begins by noting that
Who is Beelzebul?

The name Beelzebul is not found anywhere else in the Bible. Where did it come from in the Gospel accounts?

Who is Beelzebul?

The name Beelzebul is not found anywhere else in the Bible. Where did it come from in the Gospel accounts?

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In an incident recorded three different times in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15), Jesus is accused of casting out demons by Beelzebul. In all accounts, Beelzebul is said by the accusers of Jesus to be the “prince of the demons”, and

What was the role and purpose of synagogues during the Second Temple Period?


What was the role and purpose of synagogues during the Second Temple Period?

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All around the world synagogues are an integral part of Judaism. From the Greek meaning “place of assembly”, the synagogue today is referred to as a house of prayer (bet ha-tefilla), house of assembly (bet ha-kneset), house of study (bet ha-midrash), and in some cases