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Defending the Bible and the Christian faith ––– supposed Bible contradictions, tough texts, secular criticisms, philosophical arguments, false teachings, cults, religions, worldviews, cultures, social movements, and more.

Judah’s Sceptre

Was David permitted to be king of Israel according to the Mosaic Law?

Judah’s Sceptre

Was David permitted to be king of Israel according to the Mosaic Law?

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Although King David was considered a standard by which all other Israelite kings were measured, there has been some question surrounding the legitimacy of his right to rule. This stems from Deuteronomy 23:2, which clearly states that “One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the
Breath of the Wild

Is there life beyond the grave or will we share the same fate as the animals?

Breath of the Wild

Is there life beyond the grave or will we share the same fate as the animals?

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Although the Bible clearly teaches from the beginning that every human being is made unique in the image of God and that the soul of each human lives on after physical death, “the preacher” in Ecclesiastes, seems to present a very naturalistic view. In Ecclesiastes
Bearing and Erring?

Critics claim that Paul contradicts himself in Galatians.

Bearing and Erring?

Critics claim that Paul contradicts himself in Galatians.

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Because the Bible declares itself to be “God-breathed” and “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16), it will be offensive to mankind’s natural inclination, which is to follow in his or her own selfish and sinful ways. Hence,