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Tag: Colossians

Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

Importance of Salt

On the usefulness and harvesting of a precious ancient commodity.

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It is a commonly known truth in ancient Near Eastern studies that salt was an important staple of everyday life. Salt enhances the flavour of food increasing the enjoyment of the meal, and it had many other practical uses. Salt enabled the preservation of fish and other meats as well
Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

Rest Assured.

Why Christians must rest in Christ and not on Sabbath. Working out God's Edenic purpose of grace through Sabbatical soteriology.

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Must Christians observe Sabbath? To no one’s surprise is yet another very heated debate in the greater Christian community, particularly among Protestants and doctrinally dubious off-shoots. Throughout Christian history, Sunday was the newly appointed day of rest known as “the Lord’s Day”. As of the nineteenth century however, the technological
Of Secular and Sacred Wisdom

"What has Athens to do with Jerusalem, the Church with the Academy, the Christian with the heretic?" A sanctifying bridge between theology and philosophy.

Of Secular and Sacred Wisdom

"What has Athens to do with Jerusalem, the Church with the Academy, the Christian with the heretic?" A sanctifying bridge between theology and philosophy.

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Throughout Christian history and even today, philosophy has been met with mixed emotions, whether it was measured a lower form of theological corruption, proof of God’s natural revelation, a tool of dogmatic refinement, or esteemed a servant of sanctity, even inspired to a lesser extent. From the apologetics of Justin
Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Procession

The Apostle Paul compares Jesus Christ’s triumph over evil to a Roman military triumphal procession.

Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Procession

The Apostle Paul compares Jesus Christ’s triumph over evil to a Roman military triumphal procession.

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“But thanks be to God,” declares Paul, “who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are