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Tag: 2 Chronicles

Birds & Fowling

Archaeological evidence of ancient Israelites hunting and farming birds.

Birds & Fowling

Archaeological evidence of ancient Israelites hunting and farming birds.

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Birds were both a source of food and sacrifice in ancient Israel. Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 13 preserve for us the list of fowl that were ritually impure and, therefore, not to be eaten or offered to God as sacrifice by the Israelites. As a general rule, birds of prey
Seafaring in Ancient Israel

How did seafaring develop in the ancient Near East?

Seafaring in Ancient Israel

How did seafaring develop in the ancient Near East?

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While not a major seafaring nation, the land of Israel did have reasons and opportunities to develop seafaring technology. There were select pockets, or areas, where this was necessary: Along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (though Israel proper did not often control much of that territory), the area surrounding

The rich symbolism of the humble pomegranate.


The rich symbolism of the humble pomegranate.

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In the ancient Near East, the pomegranate was a widely accepted symbol of fertility. This was due to the many seeds contained in each fruit; the pomegranate’s potential for reproducing seems nearly unlimited. So, standing as a symbol for fruitful potential, productivity, and abundance was quite appropriate. It’s red, blood-like
Royal Burials of Judah

Mysteries surrounding the tombs of the Jerusalem Kings

Royal Burials of Judah

Mysteries surrounding the tombs of the Jerusalem Kings

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The royal tombs and burials of ancient Judah present us with several mysteries. On the one hand, the Bible provides us with brief descriptions of the general location of each of Jerusalem’s kingly resting places. On the other hand, some of the Bible’s finer details leave many questions. First, there
The Temple of Tel Arad

Archaeologists identify cannabis residue in a Judean temple with possible evidence of Hezekiah’s reforms.

The Temple of Tel Arad

Archaeologists identify cannabis residue in a Judean temple with possible evidence of Hezekiah’s reforms.

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Located on the very edge of the Judean desert, approximately 80 kilometers south of Jerusalem, lie the ruins of an ancient Biblical city known today as Tel Arad. So named because it is situated on a mound (or “Tel” in Arabic) and is located only 10 kilometers west of the
City of Gibeon

A quick look at the history and archaeology of this renowned Canaanite city.

City of Gibeon

A quick look at the history and archaeology of this renowned Canaanite city.

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The city of Gibeon appears on the pages of the Bible during the conquest of Canaan. In Joshua 9, the city saw the proverbial writing on the wall. Large, fortified cities had fallen to the Israelites and Gibeon knew they would, too. The other cities of Canaan made alliances and
The Cyrus Cylinder

How this famous cylinder and ancient historians verify the rebuilding of Jerusalem

The Cyrus Cylinder

How this famous cylinder and ancient historians verify the rebuilding of Jerusalem

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The fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire was finalized by the takeover of her capital city: Babylon. This takeover occurred in 539 BC by the Persian Empire and its unifying king, Cyrus the Great. The event is recorded in the Biblical Book of Daniel and by ancient historians: Herodotus (5th Century