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Three-minute videos and articles featured on The Daily Show to help you experience a deeper and holistic understanding in your Bible study.

The Golden Calf

Why did ancient Israel worship a golden calf in Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12?

The Golden Calf

Why did ancient Israel worship a golden calf in Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12?

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Two major instances of idolatry in the Bible are directly connected with ancient Egypt. One occurred under the leadership of Aaron while Moses was delayed on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 32), and the other was initiated by Jeroboam after he successfully took control of a fragmented
Desert Demon

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word "Azazel", traditionally translated as ‘scapegoat’?

Desert Demon

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word "Azazel", traditionally translated as ‘scapegoat’?

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One of the most important and critical elements in Christian theology is atonement. Atonement refers to the covering over or removal of sin for the purpose of reconciling sinful human beings with a holy and righteous God (a God Who cannot tolerate sin) and interestingly,
On Doves

What is the historical, cultural, and Scriptural significance of the humble dove?

On Doves

What is the historical, cultural, and Scriptural significance of the humble dove?

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The text of the Bible along with the ancient physical remains of the people of Israel and Judah, tell of an interesting relationship with doves and pigeons. The symbolism of the dove has been passed down to us today mainly through Christianity as representing the
Family Portrait

Genetics substantiates the Biblical claim that Adam and Eve were real people from which the whole human race originates.

Family Portrait

Genetics substantiates the Biblical claim that Adam and Eve were real people from which the whole human race originates.

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Right from the very beginning, the Bible makes highly significant claims that are often mocked in today’s world, especially where evolution is considered the only truth. Contrary to evolutionary ideas that once claimed we all descended from multiple kinds of humans, the Bible teaches that
On Crucifixion

What is the cultural and Christian significance of death by crucifixion?

On Crucifixion

What is the cultural and Christian significance of death by crucifixion?

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It is difficult for the modern reader of the Bible to fully understand many of the New Testament references to crucifixion. Today, crucifixion isn’t primarily associated with the ancient practice, but rather as synonymous with Jesus Christ. The cross has become an enduring symbol of
Seven Letters to Seven Churches

Provincial. Public. Personal. Prophetic.

Seven Letters to Seven Churches

Provincial. Public. Personal. Prophetic.

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Although most if not all number the New Testament epistles at twenty-one, it could be said that there are seven more epistles because Revelation 2-3 contain seven letters from Jesus Christ Himself to seven churches in Asia—the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia,
Jesus in Eusebius

Examining extra-biblical evidence for the life of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus in Eusebius

Examining extra-biblical evidence for the life of Jesus of Nazareth.

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Although unbelieving scholars have tried very hard over the years to deny the historical existence of Jesus Christ, including His life, death, and resurrection, this has proven very difficult, if not impossible. One of the main reasons for this is that several historical documents and
Judah’s Sceptre

Was David permitted to be king of Israel according to the Mosaic Law?

Judah’s Sceptre

Was David permitted to be king of Israel according to the Mosaic Law?

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Although King David was considered a standard by which all other Israelite kings were measured, there has been some question surrounding the legitimacy of his right to rule. This stems from Deuteronomy 23:2, which clearly states that “One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the