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Three-minute videos and articles featured on The Daily Show to help you experience a deeper and holistic understanding in your Bible study.

Genesis 1 & 2: Different Creation Accounts?

On how Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are complementary, not contradictory.

Genesis 1 & 2: Different Creation Accounts?

On how Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are complementary, not contradictory.

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While practically every chapter and verse of the Bible has come under scrutiny at some time or another, probably no other Biblical book has been more viciously attacked than Genesis. And there’s a very good reason for that: The historical account of Genesis is foundational
Reading & Writing in the First Century

Were the first century New Testament writers illiterate?

Reading & Writing in the First Century

Were the first century New Testament writers illiterate?

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The New Testament makes many significant claims. But one that can be easily overlooked is its claim that it is a written record. Turning to the Gospels, for example, we notice Luke’s opening statement: “Inasmuch as many have taken in hand to set in order
Mark of Authenticity

Is the Gospel of Mark really an authentic eyewitness account of Jesus Christ’s ministry?

Mark of Authenticity

Is the Gospel of Mark really an authentic eyewitness account of Jesus Christ’s ministry?

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The Gospel of Mark, though coming after Matthew, was probably the first of the four Gospels to be written. And as the title of the book indicates, it is John Mark’s account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. But besides the title how
The Verse Account of Nabonidus

How the Verse Account of Nabonidus confirms details in the book of Daniel.

The Verse Account of Nabonidus

How the Verse Account of Nabonidus confirms details in the book of Daniel.

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In Daniel 5 Belshazzar, the very last Babylonian king, foolishly mocks Yahweh at a large public feast by using the gold and silver vessels acquired from God’s temple in Jerusalem as wine goblets while praising “the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and
The Cylinder of Nabonidus

How the Cylinder of Nabonidus confirms the existence of King Belshazzar of Babylon.

The Cylinder of Nabonidus

How the Cylinder of Nabonidus confirms the existence of King Belshazzar of Babylon.

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Daniel 5 is undoubtably one of the most memorable chapters not only of the Old Testament but in the entire Bible as it tells the story of the last of the Babylonian kings, Belshazzar who held a very large feast and irreverently used the gold