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Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
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Last updated: Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Pray for The Democratic Republic of Congo

   Persecution by Islamist militants is not relegated to only the Middle East. The Democratic Republic of Congo, often referred to as just “The Congo,” has experienced an uptick in attacks against Christians. The following report, brought to us by “The Voice of the Martyrs,” details the plight of a Christian family devastated by the attacks of a hostile Islamic group seeking to purge The Congo of all aspects of Christianity.

Persecution by Islamist militants is not relegated to only the Middle East. The Democratic Republic of Congo, often referred to as just “The Congo,” has experienced an uptick in attacks against Christians. The following report, brought to us by “The Voice of the Martyrs” details the plight of a Christian family devastated by the attacks of a hostile Islamic group seeking to purge The Congo of all aspects of Christianity.

“Luce Ibara and her husband fled their village in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in August 2022, when it was attacked by Islamist militants. Numerous people in their village were killed. The couple ran for their lives, leaving everything they owned behind. Later they learned that their two daughters, ages 12 and 18, had been abducted by militants with the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). The couple still has no idea where their daughters are, or even if they are still alive.

The ADF has stated their aim to eliminate Christianity in eastern DRC. They have slaughtered thousands of Congolese Christians in recent years and forced tens of thousands to flee their homes.

Luce and her husband, a church leader, lost everything they owned in the attack. They currently live in a camp for internally displaced people. They cannot return to their home, or to farming their land, because it is simply too dangerous. Luce is grateful for a replacement Bible she received during her first visit to an aid distribution sponsored by VOM and a local church.

‘My faith in Christ is very strong, and that is what carried me through the bitterness, pain and wounds,’ she said. “I have just given that pain and bitterness to Christ, and he is the one who has sustained me.’Source: V.O.M

Will you join us in remembering Luce and her husband as they navigate this extremely difficult situation. Pray that the Lord rescues their daughters. Ask God to bring comfort to this family when there seems to be no means of comfort. God is still a miracle working God and still moves on His people’s behalf when we pour our hearts out to Him in Jesus’ powerful name.

Ministry Update: WOW

Did you know that Bible Discovery tithes? Working For Orphans and Widows is a ministry touching a world and people that God loves. Friend to Bible Discovery, Pastor Jim Cantelon, leads the charge in helping to rescue those at critical risk.

The words of the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, haunt us: “Not called!’ did you say?

‘Not heard the call,’ I think you should say.

Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face — whose mercy you have professed to obey — and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.”

― William Booth

Wow answers that call.

WOW specializes exclusively on the primary calling to dying orphans and widows. This ministry to the dying is called “Home Based Care” (HBC). We make thousands of HBC visits every year. These are made by our “army” of local church volunteers (mainly widows themselves) who lovingly care for the dying with

Pray for Egypt

   Egypt is a very prominent country in the Bible, especially when we reflect on Moses. The following article from “Open Doors” focuses on a woman, who happens to share the name of Moses’ sister. Miriam and her family have been able to survive a tragic loss in their family with the help of believers through Open Doors ministry.

Mariam got married when she was 17, and she has four daughters: Syliva*, Lydia*, Judy* and Jane*. When I met her, I could see that she was broken and hopeless. And as she told me her story, it was easy to understand why. 

For many years, her life was happy. Her husband worked as a contractor, and the family’s financial situation was stable. “My husband was very helpful and loving,” Mariam says. “He loved God and used to serve Him. He lived as salt and light for his surrounding community.” 

‘He was well known in his workplace and the surrounding area because he used to help lots of needy people,’ Mariam explains. “This area where he worked, was known [for having] intense persecution. [In this area], Christians suffer a lot because of their faith, and they were discriminated against on a daily basis. However, my husband never felt afraid and used to help the Christians there and donate to sick and needy people. 

‘That’s why radical Muslims wanted to get rid of him, and they used to threaten him a lot; [they wanted him] to stop helping needy Christians in the area. My husband was a brave man and never listened to them and continued helping others.’ 

Horrifically, the extremists’ warnings weren’t merely words. “The disaster happened in 2017, when radical Muslims in the neighborhood ambushed my husband and slaughtered him in his workplace,” Mariam says. She bursts into tears, even years after the fact. “They killed him! They killed my soulmate and my life partner. He left behind four young daughters who were in real need of their father’s love and care.” 

Naturally, the family was utterly devastated. ‘My heart was torn apart,” Mariam says. “I can remember the day I received the news of his death as if it was yesterday. Everything turned upside down. Nothing returned the same as before.’ 

Mariam blamed God for the loss of her husband and for all her difficult circumstances. Her heart was full of resentments and bitterness towards God. She was afraid and felt unsafe—and she had no hope. She grew angry and aggressive. 

Her daughters were also traumatized. They were afraid and felt unsafe; they lost self-confidence. Mariam was not able to deal with the situation on her own. She quickly realized losing her husband was more than just an emotional loss. The new school year had started, and Mariam was not able to provide her children with school supplies.

‘I tried hard not to make my daughters feel less than their peers at school, but I failed,” she says. “[These years] were totally horrible for me and for my daughters. My husband was not just a husband. He was a friend, a father and a partner. He was just everything for us.’ 

Mariam looked me in the eye and bombarded me with questions: “Why did God do [this]? Why has He left us in our fear? Why did God leave my four girls to be fatherless at such a very young age? Why did I become a widow while I’m still so young? Why has He forsaken us? Did all of this happen? Father.”’The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.’

From that day forward, our ministry team and partners started a journey of support with Mariam and her children. First, we helped her set up a small business project to start raising poultry to help her generate regular income and provide for her daughters. We provided an inner healing program for her

and her daughters, and regular pastoral visits. We wanted to show God’s love to them in a practical way.

And thanks to your gifts and prayers, the lives of Mariam and her daughters started to change and flourish. We can see the progress and success of her business. Now, she is able to provide for her children’s needs.

‘I still miss my dad and wish to see him one more time to have just one more hug! However, I know he is with my heavenly Father now and we will all meet soon,” said 12-year-old Sylvia, the oldest daughter.

She continued: “I learned to forgive those who have hurt me, and I want to help others like my dad did; I am sure my Heavenly Father will never forsake us. It’s now the beginning of the school year, but this time is different, because our heavenly Father provided income for my mother so she can provide for


We also enrolled Mariam in a discipleship group where she learned about God’s authority and our responsibility, forgiveness, God’s presence amidst troubles, and that God has a unique plan for everyone. Mariam is learning and growing emotionally and spiritually. She has even started serving others in her local church through a discipleship program.” Source: Open Doors

Typically when we highlight an article from another ministry we like to follow up with a prayer focus concerning the featured article. This time, however, Open Doors has done that for us. Below you will see a list of prayer points that they have directed readers to focus on that would best minister to Miriam and her families’ needs at this time.

  • Pray that God will always strengthen Mariam and her children so that they would have power to face difficult situations.
  • Pray for Mariam and her children, that they may live as salt and light for their surrounding community and that through God’s power, they would be able to comfort and strengthen others.
  • Ask God to reveal Himself to radical and fanatic Muslims.
  • Pray that the love of Jesus will be reflected to Muslims through the lives of the Christians living in Egypt. Pray that Christians will show Muslims practical love through serving them”
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

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