God came to earth in the form of man to save us from our sins. This is the cornerstone of the whole Bible. It is why the Scriptures were written in the first place. As we continue to read and listen to the Word of God, written by forty different authors over thousands of years all with one central theme, it becomes very clear that the LORD has truly spoken to us. At the beginning, God’s creation did not obey Him and sinned. Yet in God’s merciful plan, He sent His Son Jesus to come and give us another chance—a chance to get right, what we got so wrong at the first.
As we read the prophets this month, we hear the echo of Israel’s failure. We are challenged with the need to change things in our lives, to conquer sin, and live right. To be like faithful Israel and not be like sinful Israel. But this seems impossible—and it is, without Christ.
Following the ministry of the prophet Malachi, the Word of God is silent for about 400 years. Then the Gospel of Matthew introduces the life and ministry and Jesus Christ, almost as if starting right where Malachi left off. Matthew’s Gospel has the strongest connections to the Old Testament. Matthew writes from a strong Jewish perspective and so brings prophetic evidence to show that Jesus is truly the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. This is who the Jewish people have been waiting for, the One whom the prophets spoke of, the Messiah who was seen and highlighted in their visions; Jesus, the only way by which all of us can be reconciled to God.
This is the story of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ—fully man, fully God—the firstborn of the dead and those resurrected to eternal life. Because of His mighty work, we too can be forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life, when we choose to follow Him as the LORD of our life.

Pastor Rod Hembree, ThD, DE is the founding pastor of Good Friends Fellowship in Ontario, Canada. He brings his extensive production background and Biblical training together to serve the Body of Christ as the daily host and Executive Director of Bible Discovery. He also hosts a YouTube channel for live prayer and difficult questions.