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Articles by: Ryan Hembree

Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

Mt. Carmel’s “Neanderthal Man”

How a discovery in the Mount Carmel region helps verify that Neanderthals were fully human.

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Due to the evolutionary propaganda constantly being pushed by pop science, public education, mainstream media, museums, and the like, many people have been conditioned into believing numerous scientific “facts” which have later proved to be totally false. For example, it has become a cultural stereotype
Neanderthal Man’s Man Cave

How Neanderthal man’s cultural inventory overturns evolutionary and cultural stereotypes that he was sub-human.

Neanderthal Man’s Man Cave

How Neanderthal man’s cultural inventory overturns evolutionary and cultural stereotypes that he was sub-human.

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Since their discovery in the 1850s, Neanderthals had, up until recently, been regarded by the majority of evolutionists as more of an animal rather than a human being. One of the main reasons for this was due to their seemingly sparse cultural inventory. However, claiming
Repeating History

Exploring the unexpected beauty of the chiastic structure

Repeating History

Exploring the unexpected beauty of the chiastic structure

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Although perhaps not always perceivable to the untrained eye, there are a number of literary devices that the Bible employs. Some of these include alternation, immediate repetition, parallel symmetry, and reverse symmetry. Perhaps most beautiful and unexpected of these devices is reverse symmetry—also known as
Desert Demon

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word "Azazel", traditionally translated as ‘scapegoat’?

Desert Demon

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word "Azazel", traditionally translated as ‘scapegoat’?

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One of the most important and critical elements in Christian theology is atonement. Atonement refers to the covering over or removal of sin for the purpose of reconciling sinful human beings with a holy and righteous God (a God Who cannot tolerate sin) and interestingly,
Family Portrait

Genetics substantiates the Biblical claim that Adam and Eve were real people from which the whole human race originates.

Family Portrait

Genetics substantiates the Biblical claim that Adam and Eve were real people from which the whole human race originates.

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Right from the very beginning, the Bible makes highly significant claims that are often mocked in today’s world, especially where evolution is considered the only truth. Contrary to evolutionary ideas that once claimed we all descended from multiple kinds of humans, the Bible teaches that