Tags Ethics Heap Burning Coals — What does it mean to heap burning coals on the head of your enemy? May 27, 2022
Tags Archaeology Lions & Kings — What did it mean to slay a lion? Why ancient kings used the lion symbol. May 20, 2022
Tags Commentary Did Satan Really Say? Part 2 — Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the need for humility. May 16, 2022
Tags Archaeology Hygiene in Ancient Israel — How did the ancient Israelites stay clean and ritually pure? May 6, 2022
Tags Commentary Did Satan Really Say? — Understanding the depth of deception and how to defend against it–––the danger of presumption. May 2, 2022
Tags Apologetics Price Check — Did David pay 50 shekels of silver or 600 shekels of gold for Ornan’s threshing floor? April 29, 2022
Tags Archaeology Palace at Susa — On the historical and archaeological accuracy of Esther April 22, 2022