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Where science meets the Bible on the study of creation ––– astronomy, geology, physics, biology, genetics, medical, technology, mathematics, and more.

Dragons & Dinosaurs

Ryan Hembree interviews fossil hunter and palaeontology researcher Vance Nelson

Dragons & Dinosaurs

Ryan Hembree interviews fossil hunter and palaeontology researcher Vance Nelson

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Some of the most frequently asked questions related to the Bible have to do with dinosaurs and dragons. Regarding dinosaurs, people often ask where they “fit” into Scripture. After all, the word dinosaur isn’t found at all in the Bible! On the other hand, the
The Darkness at Calvary

Was the three hours of darkness during Jesus’ crucifixion natural or supernatural?

The Darkness at Calvary

Was the three hours of darkness during Jesus’ crucifixion natural or supernatural?

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During the Lord’s crucifixion an eerie and unusual darkness came upon the land for three hours. While the synoptic gospels all testify to this event, they do not tell us how God accomplished this. Was this darkness a result of natural astronomical phenomena or was
Flying Saucers & Spaghetti Monsters

A quick crackdown on New Atheism, Scientism, Naturalism, and the usual suspects.

Flying Saucers & Spaghetti Monsters

A quick crackdown on New Atheism, Scientism, Naturalism, and the usual suspects.

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Over recent decades, New Atheism evolved from a small elite group of militant anti-theists known as the Four Horsemen of Atheism – Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins – into a broad sweeping social attitude, a spirit even, characterized by its “reasonable” rebellion
The Origins War

On the Creation Evolution conflict in the Church and understanding Scripture in a Scientific Age.

The Origins War

On the Creation Evolution conflict in the Church and understanding Scripture in a Scientific Age.

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There are many points of contention, to put it gently, between Creationists and Evolutionists: How science should interpret or illuminate Scripture; Big Bang cosmology and the beginning of the material universe; age of the earth or length of days in creation; gradual formation of intended
Iron For All Men

Iron For All Men

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The Bible often uses everyday objects and experiences to convey spiritual truths. In some cases, it can take a bit of research to really get to the heart of the message, especially today since we’re now thousands of years removed from its date of writing.