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Satanic Nationalism and the Pitchfork in the Road
Satanic Nationalism and the Pitchfork in the Road
Progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, Wokeness, New Agism, Satanism, and our holy vocation toward a Christian nation.
Satanic Nationalism and the Pitchfork in the Road
Progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, Wokeness, New Agism, Satanism, and our holy vocation toward a Christian nation.
Progressive Christianity, Word of Faith, Wokeness, New Agism, Satanism, and our holy vocation toward a Christian nation.
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I am sick to my stomach. The sudden unholy rise of Satanism, witchcraft, séances, psychic fairs, occult symbolism, and demonic rituals out of the depths of secular pop-culture is nothing short of disturbing. I’m sure you’ve seen it: Viral videos of SatanCon in Boston, the