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Tag: Exodus

The Golden Calf

Why did ancient Israel worship a golden calf in Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12?

The Golden Calf

Why did ancient Israel worship a golden calf in Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12?

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Two major instances of idolatry in the Bible are directly connected with ancient Egypt. One occurred under the leadership of Aaron while Moses was delayed on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 32), and the other was initiated by Jeroboam after he successfully took control of a fragmented Israeli kingdom (1 Kings 12).
The Natural Nature of Miracles

On the crossing of the Red Sea and Jordan River

The Natural Nature of Miracles

On the crossing of the Red Sea and Jordan River

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The Bible is full of references and depictions to what we today call miracles. In our culture, the word miracle can mean an amazing, extraordinary or unusual event by human or divine means. It can also mean something that violates the natural order of things. In the Bible however, miracles