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Tag: 1 Kings


The rich symbolism of the humble pomegranate.


The rich symbolism of the humble pomegranate.

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In the ancient Near East, the pomegranate was a widely accepted symbol of fertility. This was due to the many seeds contained in each fruit; the pomegranate’s potential for reproducing seems nearly unlimited. So, standing as a symbol for fruitful potential, productivity, and abundance was quite appropriate. It’s red, blood-like
War Horses & Chariots

How powerful was ancient Israel's calvary and chariotry?

War Horses & Chariots

How powerful was ancient Israel's calvary and chariotry?

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Beginning in Exodus, the second book of the Bible, horses are mentioned frequently in the context of war. At first, horses and chariots are the terrifying tools of the enemies of Israel, Pharaoh’s chariot forces, and the deadly iron chariotry of the Philistines for example. In these early days of
Lions & Kings

What did it mean to slay a lion? Why ancient kings used the lion symbol.

Lions & Kings

What did it mean to slay a lion? Why ancient kings used the lion symbol.

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The lion was one of the main predators of ancient Israel and as such, it’s mentioned often in the Bible. Today, the wild Asiatic lion is extinct in the middle east. A modern cousin lives in captivity in small numbers, thanks to conservation efforts, but as such is inherently different
Royal Burials of Judah

Mysteries surrounding the tombs of the Jerusalem Kings

Royal Burials of Judah

Mysteries surrounding the tombs of the Jerusalem Kings

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The royal tombs and burials of ancient Judah present us with several mysteries. On the one hand, the Bible provides us with brief descriptions of the general location of each of Jerusalem’s kingly resting places. On the other hand, some of the Bible’s finer details leave many questions. First, there
City of Gibeon

A quick look at the history and archaeology of this renowned Canaanite city.

City of Gibeon

A quick look at the history and archaeology of this renowned Canaanite city.

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The city of Gibeon appears on the pages of the Bible during the conquest of Canaan. In Joshua 9, the city saw the proverbial writing on the wall. Large, fortified cities had fallen to the Israelites and Gibeon knew they would, too. The other cities of Canaan made alliances and
Abel Beth Maacah

When war, wisdom, and a wealth of archaeological evidence prove the Biblical account

Abel Beth Maacah

When war, wisdom, and a wealth of archaeological evidence prove the Biblical account

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In 2 Samuel 20, we’re introduced to a city named Abel Beth Maacah. This city is brought to the forefront of Israel’s national drama after the end of Absalom’s rebellion against his father King David–––the tribes decided to invite David back to Jerusalem as their king, but peace was fragile.
The Golden Calf

Why did ancient Israel worship a golden calf in Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12?

The Golden Calf

Why did ancient Israel worship a golden calf in Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12?

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Two major instances of idolatry in the Bible are directly connected with ancient Egypt. One occurred under the leadership of Aaron while Moses was delayed on Mt. Sinai (Exodus 32), and the other was initiated by Jeroboam after he successfully took control of a fragmented Israeli kingdom (1 Kings 12).
Ancient Board Games

What kind of games did people play in the ancient world?

Ancient Board Games

What kind of games did people play in the ancient world?

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Games and board games are sometimes seen as a modern luxury, but history shows that humans everywhere and in every-time have invented and played games. As far back into human history as modern man can see, there is evidence of gameplay. The earliest examples come from the Neolithic time period