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Three-minute videos and articles featured on The Daily Show to help you experience a deeper and holistic understanding in your Bible study.

Adopting Occult/New Age Practices

Are we permitted to do occult and New Age practices in the light of 1 Samuel 28?

Adopting Occult/New Age Practices

Are we permitted to do occult and New Age practices in the light of 1 Samuel 28?

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I think it’s fair to say that 1 Samuel 28 is a chapter that brings up a lot of questions. This chapter records when King Saul had exhausted all his options for inquiring of God through the priests of God, which are listed as dreams,
Solomon’s Adversaries

Due to Solomon’s rebellion against the Lord, God raised up three adversaries against him.

Solomon’s Adversaries

Due to Solomon’s rebellion against the Lord, God raised up three adversaries against him.

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Despite the fact that God expressly warned King Solomon not to multiply wives, that is precisely what he did. And he did so with great defiance as the Bible records that he had a staggering 700 wives and 300 concubines. And the result was exactly
The Patriarchy BC

Does the Bible support the Patriarchy?! How did the Patriarchal system of the ancient Near East work?

The Patriarchy BC

Does the Bible support the Patriarchy?! How did the Patriarchal system of the ancient Near East work?

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Our modern western culture is fundamentally different than the culture we see represented in the Bible. We are separated by time, distance, custom, and structure. In the modern West we have endowed our governments or states with considerable responsibility, and the power to enact those
Leviticus: Literal and Typological

How Leviticus posed challenges to first century Jews and Christians.

Leviticus: Literal and Typological

How Leviticus posed challenges to first century Jews and Christians.

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Though central to the law,[1] Leviticus posed a number of challenges for first century Jews and Christians alike. For one thing, after the sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish temple in AD 70 by the Romans, how on earth were Jews possibly
The Subtler Sevens of Revelation

The seven-fold structure of the apocalypse

The Subtler Sevens of Revelation

The seven-fold structure of the apocalypse

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That Revelation is a book of “sevens” is exceedingly obvious, even for the casual reader. Some of the more perspicuous occurrences include the seven lampstands, seven spirits, seven stars, seven churches, seven lamps, the seven-sealed scroll, seven trumpets, seven bowls of wrath, seven promises to