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Three-minute videos and articles featured on The Daily Show to help you experience a deeper and holistic understanding in your Bible study.

Breath of the Wild

Is there life beyond the grave or will we share the same fate as the animals?

Breath of the Wild

Is there life beyond the grave or will we share the same fate as the animals?

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Although the Bible clearly teaches from the beginning that every human being is made unique in the image of God and that the soul of each human lives on after physical death, “the preacher” in Ecclesiastes, seems to present a very naturalistic view. In Ecclesiastes
Schools of the Prophets

Who were they and what does the Bible say about them?

Schools of the Prophets

Who were they and what does the Bible say about them?

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From the time of the prophet and priest Samuel, God’s prophets “gathered into groups known as schools of prophets or sons of prophets. Experienced prophets were mentors for younger ones, and they lived and worked together in the Lord’s service.”[1] These apprentice prophets were called