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Three-minute videos and articles featured on The Daily Show to help you experience a deeper and holistic understanding in your Bible study.

The Darkness at Calvary

Was the three hours of darkness during Jesus’ crucifixion natural or supernatural?

The Darkness at Calvary

Was the three hours of darkness during Jesus’ crucifixion natural or supernatural?

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During the Lord’s crucifixion an eerie and unusual darkness came upon the land for three hours. While the synoptic gospels all testify to this event, they do not tell us how God accomplished this. Was this darkness a result of natural astronomical phenomena or was
The Triumphal Entry and Zechariah 9

Is Christ's Triumphal Entry mentioned in the Old Testament?

The Triumphal Entry and Zechariah 9

Is Christ's Triumphal Entry mentioned in the Old Testament?

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The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is recorded by all four gospels (Matthew 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12). This event is remembered yearly by Christians as beginning the final days of Christ’s ministry before his crucifixion. There are two notable Old Testament
Imitating Devils

Zephaniah pronounces divine judgment against Judah for her idolatrous behaviour.

Imitating Devils

Zephaniah pronounces divine judgment against Judah for her idolatrous behaviour.

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Through the writings of King Hezekiah’s great-great grandson Zephaniah, the Lord pronounced judgment against the house of David declaring: “I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off from this place the remnant of