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Last updated: Thursday, March 20, 2025
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Pray for Myanmar
An old saying “Once you become aware, you become responsible,” sets a burden on the Christian church to pray for Myanmar. Formally known as Burma, the country is made up of many “ethic minorities and religious groups,” adding fuel to an already volatile situation. Myanmar has joined many other suffering countries around the world ignored by most main stream media outlets.
An old saying “Once you become aware, you become responsible,” sets a burden on the Christian church to pray for Myanmar. Formally known as Burma, the country is made up of many “ethic minorities and religious groups,” adding fuel to an already volatile situation. Myanmar has joined many other suffering countries around the world ignored by most main stream media outlets.
“A recent Reuters report has uncovered a years-long effort by the military junta in Myanmar to suppress information surrounding the deepening hunger crisis in Myanmar. Since taking power in a 2021 coup, the military — known locally as the Tatmadaw — has been unrelenting in its campaign of violence against ethnic and religious minorities. More than 6,000 civilians have been killed and nearly 30,000 arrested since the coup.
Dozens of aid workers, researchers, and international officials interviewed by Reuters described an environment of fear and intimidation, with various international organizations suppressing reports about the extent of the hunger crisis to protect in-country staff living in fear of retaliation from the Tatmadaw.
Despite the Tatmadaw’s efforts, it is known that millions of Myanmar civilians are facing serious hunger in what Reuters termed “one of the worst food crises on the planet.” According to research by Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, a nonprofit, 14.4 million people experienced acute food insecurity in September and October. A November report by the U.N. suggested that 2 million people could face starvation in the coming months.” Source: Voice of the Martyr’s
As if extreme civil unrest didn’t bring enough suffering to Myanmar, starvation looms at the door for millions. Pray that the Lord would bless churches and believers with the heart and means to help provide for the needs of those who are hurting. With God’s help, may they be able to bring rescue in the name of Jesus and bring Him glory and recognition through those efforts.

Ministry Update: WOW
The words of the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, haunt us: “Not called!’ did you say?
‘Not heard the call,’ I think you should say.
Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face — whose mercy you have professed to obey — and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.”
― William Booth
Wow answers that call.
WOW specializes exclusively on the primary calling to dying orphans and widows. This ministry to the dying is called “Home Based Care” (HBC). We make thousands of HBC visits every year. These are made by our “army” of local church volunteers (mainly widows themselves) who lovingly care for the dying with

Pray for Uzbekistan
“With her baby in her arms, Samiya (all names have been changed for security) welcomed people into her home for that day’s Bible study. Finally, when the last arrived, they sat together to study the Word of God. ‘These new believers are very happy to learn and understand the depth and richness of the Bible….
Nehemiah 8:10 NIV …for the joy of the Lord is your strength. That verse rings true in the following article by Christian Aid. Missionaries to Uzbekistan would see the result of their seeds of prayer planted years earlier, spring up in the hearts of people in a remote village. This village found the joy of the Lord …contagious!
“With her baby in her arms, Samiya (all names have been changed for security) welcomed people into her home for that day’s Bible study. Finally, when the last arrived, they sat together to study the Word of God. ‘These new believers are very happy to learn and understand the depth and richness of the Bible,’ a local ministry leader said. ‘God continues to make Himself visible and move around this nation in this area.’
Just one year prior, this village, located in one of the most remote, unreached parts of Uzbekistan, was as spiritually dry as its desert landscape. It wasn’t until a group of local missionaries began to pray for the people there that things started to change.
It All Started With Prayer
Several years ago, a group of local missionaries began to pray specifically for the remote part of Uzbekistan that Samiya calls home. In a country in which nearly 90 percent of the population is Muslim, their hope that the gospel would change lives might have seemed like an impossible dream. But these faithful Christ-followers knew that prayer moves mountains, and, together, they asked the Lord to come down.
They were not disappointed.
The Pebble That Caused the Landslide
The time came for the missionaries to visit the region where Samiya lived and begin to build relationships with the people there. One of those missionaries, Umar, befriended a local man named Imron. “He [Imron] was often dull and unfriendly,” the ministry leader said. “However, when God touched his heart, this man was visibly transformed.”
Together, the two men began to share the gospel. One of those people who listened to their evangelism was none other than Imron’s wife, Samiya. The same Samiya who, just one year later, would be instrumental in ongoing evangelism in their community.
When Samiya first heard of Jesus through her husband, she wasn’t interested in learning more. “She was reluctant to listen, thinking this was some kind of joke,’ the ministry leader said. ‘However, day after day, she observed her husband becoming more open and full of joy. Through this transformation of her husband, Samiya opened her heart to Jesus.’
Once Samiya gave her life to the Lord, she couldn’t help but share His story. “Just like the woman at the well, she was enlightened and transformed deep inside after her encounter with Jesus,’ the ministry leader said. ‘She started to share her heart so eagerly and so actively with everyone in her village and household, that soon they were gathering about nine people in their home.’
Word of Samiya’s Faith Spread
A group of women from a church near Uzbekistan’s capital heard of Samiya, and they decided to journey to her village to encourage her and the small group of believers that had begun to meet in her home. But when they arrived, they quickly realized that it was Samiya who would encourage them, not the other way around.
As the women visited with Samiya, her own joy spilled onto them, and they found that they were buoyed by her obvious love for Jesus. ‘Often, we think that new believers need to have a lot of support from ‘experienced’ Christians,’ the ministry leader said. ‘This is of course true to some extent; however, in the areas like this, where there are not many Christians, God is present in abundance and He Himself is nurturing faith in people’s hearts.’
Today, there are at least 30 believers in Samiya’s village and even more people curious about the gospel. The ministry leader reports that they expect to baptize a large group within the next few months”. Source: Christian Aid
Although the results of prayer might not be experienced immediately, we can see, in the example of this small village, that a crop is well on its way. Those seeds of prayer were watered by joy. Joy is contagious. Especially the Joy of the Lord. One missionary’s joyful sharing of the gospel was nurtured by the fertile soil cultivated by the prayers of their predecessors.
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
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