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God Speaks

March Letter 2025

The Bible is the most unique book in all of history. A recent study showed that, in the last year, sales of this ancient book are up. The Bible is the publication of the words of the Holy Spirit to all humankind, in every nation, to every generation. When the LORD created His unique revelation in words, He knew He would be talking to everyone, everywhere at every time. And while there are some who do not believe the Bible is anything special, they could not be more wrong.

The sixty-six books of the Word of God, the Bible, are a supernatural production by the power of the Holy Spirit. Also important to keep in mind is that to read the Bible and to know the Bible are two different things. In other words, we need to read the Bible but we also need to heed the Bible. It is not enough to simply commit ourselves to read God’s Word, we must determine in our hearts that we want to obey the Word of God. That is something many people do not want to do because they desire to go their own way and be their own gods.

Yet when we read the Word of God, we are challenged in our thinking. We often don’t think of the Bible like we should. Our spirit tells us that it is different and powerful, while our human ideas are in rebellion.

We should pray before we read the Bible, to hear what God is saying to us. This month we read the words from Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and 1 Samuel. Let’s not simply read it with our limited human understanding, but ask God’s Holy Spirit to help us hear Him. The LORD is speaking to us every day, but the question remains: Are we listening?

Pastor Rod Hembree, ThD, DE is the founding pastor of Good Friends Fellowship in Ontario, Canada. He brings his extensive production background and Biblical training together to serve the Body of Christ as the daily host and Executive Director of Bible Discovery. He also hosts a YouTube channel for live prayer and difficult questions.