As we read through the Bible this month, we are certainly going to see a lot of confrontation. The most striking confrontation will not be one between men or nations, it won’t even be one that is directly stated, but it will be one that dominates the themes of these books: The confrontation between God’s Word and His people.
The Law of God, given through Moses to Israel, creates a natural point of conflict between God and mankind. God’s morality must be upheld by ancient Israel if they are to remain within the protective confines of His covenant with them. Will they do this? What will happen if they do not?
Beyond this conflict between God and Israel we will struggle with God’s truth as we read these ancient accounts. I find that even today we seem drawn to the simplicity of having laws within our faith systems. It offers structure, achievement, and a measure of certainty to our faith, and yet, Christians are not called to abide by the Law of God for ancient Israel but rather to Christ’s law. God’s ultimate morality is certainly reflected in the Law of Moses but as Jesus taught, it goes much deeper than these laws and right to the hearts of men and women.
God’s expectations of Israel, and now of Christians, is to be holy because He is holy. We are to be works-in-progress, ever being transformed into the likeness of God. We must resist the urge to fall into legalistic thinking, following rules for the sake of the rule, and recognize that Christ is our new Law. He did the work we benefit from His work. The godly things that we to do now are for the furthering of His Kingdom, for the representation of God on earth, not for our salvation or entrance into heaven.
The truth is that we were never meant to be a creation that lives life on our own. Though there will be tension between us and God, it is good to struggle with Him, He knows our fallen condition, He knows who we were meant to be and who we are. His mercy is what we need. God can grow us into people who live fruitful lives, will we let Him?
Will you let God grow you?

Pastor Rod Hembree, ThD, DE is the founding pastor of Good Friends Fellowship in Ontario, Canada. He brings his extensive production background and Biblical training together to serve the Body of Christ as the daily host and Executive Director of Bible Discovery. He also hosts a YouTube channel for live prayer and difficult questions.